

Page history last edited by Tim Wright 16 years, 1 month ago

The introduction of better quality digital print has brought not only low cost alternative to litho, but the ability to make every single piece completely unique!


With this in mind, how could books be created or augmented with user generated content... from personalizing an existing book with the names and references from your social network to creating a new book by playing a game with your friends on the Wii.


Ben & Steve :-)


One idea I have been playing about with is along similar lines; given a bank of 500k scanned books, can books be usefully generated by slicing through this collection, either automatically ('all plate images from 1885') or by user playlists of chapters or sections?


Ben O';Steen


From Tim Wright: I'm very interested in this idea of putting ugc into books and other printed artworks so count me in.


I produced a pack of cards out of stuff people contributed to the oldton.com website and blog. I'll bring a couple of packs along.


Rob Bevan and I (of XPT) are also really interested in getting images from people's phones and PCs straight into storybooks in a seamless, good-looking way - and also personalising pages in books automatically through gameplay and chatbot dialogue. I've uploaded a jpeg that hints at what we're up to. I'd be very interested to hear how other people are approaching this and whether anyone feels there really is a viable market for this kind of work.


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