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Page history last edited by Billy Abbott 15 years, 7 months ago

We all know papery books well but there are a bunch of other different ways to consume books these days, from interactive online works to eReaders, from audio books to PDFs. It'd be nice to have a session where we can:


  1. show/tell others the non-traditional ways that we consume books, or devices/software/media that we are interested in
  2. discuss how we might best use these technologies
  3. discuss how they might be improved/augmented


I'm especially interested in eReaders and on computer reading software for traditional wordy books as well as graphic novels, comic strips and serialised content (whether daily newspapers or monthly chapters of a book), but I'd like to know how other people feel about the tech, what other tech/media we play with, how we might use the unique features of the tech/media to do interesting things and anything else around alternatives to traditional paper book content delivery.


In short - bring your toys and wishlists, and talk about them.





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