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on January 11, 2009 at 8:05:57 pm

What is PaperCamp

A get-together for a day to talk about, fiddle with, make and explore what's possible with paper based on a blog post

(http://magicalnihilism.wordpress.com/2008/10/29/papercamp/) where a lot of people seemed enthusiastic about the idea.

PaperCamp is a 'fringe' event to BookCamp, in London's Kings Cross on the 17th January.


What will happen at PaperCamp?

Well, as it's a '___Camp'-type thing, that's largely up to you... we'll have a room, and a grid of timeslots for you to fill with talks, activities, discussions of your making. However, to frame that a little, the original thought behind PaperCamp was 'hacking paper and it's new possibiities'. We do have one thing organised - a 'keynote' if you like from Aaron Straup Cope from a little site called Flickr and more importantly, http://www.aaronland.info/papernet/


Whether that's looking at material possibilities of paper itself, connecting paper to the internet and vice-versa with things like 2d-barcodes, RFIDs or exotic things like printing with conductive inks... it's about the fact that paper hasn't gone away in the digital age - it's become more useful, more abundant and in some cases gone and got itself bionic superpowers...


As I say - it's up to you what you want to make of it, please bring to the event half-formed thoughts, ideas, projects you've done or anything you would like get others exposed to, or even hacking on. These can take the form of straight-forward talks, or, things you want other people's brains and hands to help with... please bring them... along with Paper, pens, RFIDs, soldering irons, Heidelberg Lithos or any other equipment or materials you will need. We will just provide chairs, tables and a projector...


Please feel free to list anything you'd like people to read or comment on before we get together on our PaperCamp Ideas page. Also if you have an appeals for equipment or materials that you might need you can try using PaperCamp SwapShop.


Our grid for PaperCamp will be divided up into 30min slots, which will be just one 'track' - but of course you can take two if you need more time for instance for a design or hacking session. There are a maximum of 12 presentation slots, so unfortunately not everyone will get to present, so please do try to think of topics or formats that can get everybody involved (although my experience of ___camps is that you can't stop people!) or perhaps collaborate on a session with other attendees. I'm reserving one of the slots for Aaron's scenesetter...


Who's coming to PaperCamp

Attendees - please feel free to create a wiki page on yourself linked from the list below, atm I have just linked your blog/URL if I know it.



Logistical Details

We will have a room dedicated to PaperCamp from 10-1pm on the day, but our grid for sessions will go on til 5.30pm. There should be space to hold sessions in the venue alongside our host event, BookCamp. You're of course free to wander into BookCamp and take part there as well - hopefully we'll get a lot of crossover.


We'll break for lunch at 1pm-2pm. We won't be providing lunch, but there are plenty of options nearby in Kings Cross. After Paper/BookCamp finishes I dare say we will retire to a local hostelry for a drink or two...




The Hub

34b York Way

London, N1 9AB

United Kingdom



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