

Page history last edited by (account deleted) 15 years, 1 month ago



Bookcamp is a user-generated conference sponsored by Penguin UK and focussed on books and book-like technologies. The purpose of Bookcamp will be to consider the future of the Book as an object and examine its ongoing role as a delivery mechanism for stories, information and entertainment. Participants and self-selected guests will choose the agenda for the day, forming breakup groups to discuss and potentially create future book technologies.


**Travel Update for Saturday -  The whole Victoria Line is shut for the weekend - other lines also not so hot - details here. For bus routes, you might find this site helpful to visualise what buses go where from the main rail terminals.


Our plan is for this to be a day of talking and doing - examining the role of the book as an object and as a delivery mechanism for content. We're inviting authors, typographers, cover designers, printers, technologists, retailers, literary agents, publishers and geeks to come along and consider if and how technology can transform and perhaps improve on The Book. Will print on demand mean the end of the bookshop? Will ebook technology allow everyone to be their own publisher? Will printed books go the way of vinyl and become collectors objects? Are games the new novels? And does format matter or, to paraphrase Berry Gordy, is it what in the groove that counts?


In Barcamp tradition we plan to keep the day pretty open and user-generated though we have thought about creating themed strands such as design, technology, storytelling, social reading and writing.


Who's Coming (Please note that we're now full up - if you haven't received an eventbrite invitation, please don't turn up on the day. Sorry.)



Ideas for Agenda




Useful Things





Comments (6)

(account deleted) said

at 3:17 am on Jan 17, 2009

it might have been helpful to mention the fact that you need an eventbrite thingy to attend on the frontpage.

Chris Heathcote said

at 12:13 pm on Jan 18, 2009

What was the email address to send writeups etc. to?

Kevin O'Neill said

at 12:17 pm on Jan 18, 2009

Bookcamp09@gmail.com - also for those interested check http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23bookcamp and http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/bookcamp/

Had such a good time yesterday, thanks to everyone. Let's do another sometime, or just start PubCamp, as Alan mooted late in the evening...

Denise Turner said

at 10:52 am on Jan 19, 2009

Here, here a great event, inspiring and fun. Well done to James, Jeremy et all for organising Denise

Chris Meade said

at 1:37 pm on Jan 19, 2009

It was wonderful. Thanks to all and let's keep in touch.

Annie Mole said

at 5:48 pm on Jan 19, 2009

Great day - very inspiring and lovely mix of people coming from all areas of the book, geek & tech world. Looking forward to catching up on all the PaperCamp stuff too as that sounded brill

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